Deerfield Park South HOA Meeting

7:00 PM on May 19, 2022

Board Members Present: 

               Vice President:  Janet Cellitti

               Treasurer:  Sandra Clarke-Renard

               Secretary:  By proxy for Natalie Mukhtar, Ringo Mukhtar

Discussed ways to contact the board:

               Phone was free

               Have to pay for the P.O. Box

               Email and Facebook are both free

Street Budget – The roads in our subdivision belong to the County, complaints made to the township or county.

Garage Sale June 23/24 – June 26

               With only having one entrance, need to advertise on FB and Nextdoor APP


               Hope to keep dues at $110.00 per household for 2023.

Out of the 174 homeowners, 27 have not paid there 2022 dues.  If dropping off dues, they must be hand-delivered to Sandra and NOT left in the mailbox.

Miss 2 years of payments, contact from a lawyer with a possible lien placed on the property.  When selling your home, title company needs to contact the board for a status letter.

Bylaws on Website:

Discussed Irrigation restrictions:  Prohibited between 5:00 AM and 11:00 PM for automatic sprinklers.

Improvements to Property:  HOA Board gets involved if the work threatens the health, safety, or welfare of the neighborhood, or detracts in any material way from the appearance of the subdivision.  The individual doing the work must pull a permit. 

Contact the township for blight issues and DTE for street lights that are burned out. 

Open Forum and Questions

Nancy B. - Discussed in the Fall Halloween parade for kids:  Question if the HOA host an event and someone gets injured, will the HOA become Liable?  A suggestion to ask the lawyer about that.

Sam K.  - Food Truck:  Need at least 40 people to make it free of charge.  Suggestion to use Dunn Court:  Given permission by Sandra and Amy to use Dunn Ct. 

Sandra – Front Entrance, bushes taken out and replace with flowers where bushes are.

Liz:  Thanked the board for the extra Christmas lights by entrance.